Monday, February 3, 2025

Back in Chicago...

Expressway Interchange, Chicago, IL. Feb 3 2025

So happy to be back in Chicago where the sky is gray and foggy. Where things are so simple yet somehow feel so complicated that the vomiting issue from fall of 2024 comes back. My landlord is missing. Im listening to Life Without Buildings again. I finally got around to hanging up the lantern above my bed again. Feeling peaceful. Today Bennett and I got coffee in the financial district downtown just to complain about how bleak and devoid that area of Chicago feels. I organized my finances and thought about how blessed I am to not be stupidly rich like the people Ive surrounded myself with. I truly am so happy that I get to struggle and learn about money and thankful to love being transparent about it. I feel bad for those whose only concern about money is who is going to invest their inheritance. LOL sorry I really don’t give a fuck yall are boring. 
Thankful for my Cheekbones in 2025
Thankful for the Gun Range 
Thankful for STD Testing 
Thankful for My Mentor still being in Chicago right now 

I found the last paper I wrote for a college class today. Its about Apocalypse and Utopias with an analysis of an essay by Adorno. I might publish it on here for fun since I personally have no memory of writing it. August was weird. I don't remember much of it at all to be so honest. Except for this one moment I was walking to work and got a text that made me want to blow everything up. Maybe that was the cause for my memory loss. Only god will know. Either way, I just read the essay for what feels like the first time and it doesn’t even sound like my voice. I truly didn’t know I could forget things that I created like that. First time for everything I guess. 

Im going to continue cleaning my apartment and think about ways to become more awesome in 2025. 

Stay Beautiful 

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Back in Chicago...

Expressway Interchange, Chicago, IL. Feb 3 2025 So happy to be back in Chicago where the sky is gray and foggy. Where things are so simple y...